Weight loss medications

The past few years have seen monumental growth in the use of weight loss medications. The GLP-1 class of medications is most prevalent now. It includes medications under the names of Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, and Zepbound which increase the production of a hormone called glucagon like peptide (GLP) that enhances satiety, regulates blood sugar, and promotes weight loss. GLP-1s were initially developed for individuals with diabetes, but given the significant weight loss side effect (up to 20%), certain GLP-1 medications can be offered to those with obesity. Insurance coverage and price is a limiting factor now to broader distribution, but this will likely change as the marketplace expands with more options.

It is promising to see more tools and research to help those who struggle with obesity and diabetes. Dietitians are poised to help individuals who are prescribed these medications maintain adequate nutrition. Because the medications can have a dramatic decrease on hunger levels, it is important to ensure an individual’s diet still contains the necessary macronutrients, vitamins and minerals to ensure good health. In addition, one of the common side effects can be constipation, so addressing dietary factors like fiber and fluid can be important to evaluate.

Stay tuned for more coming in the future of weight loss medications. Dietitians stand ready to help patients navigate the nutrition-related impacts.