Magnesium types and their uses

So you think you might need a magnesium supplement and you head to Amazon or a drugstore to find one and are bombarded by many different types. Here’s the low down on different forms.

Magnesium oxide - Works essentially like a laxative. Very little is absorbed into the cells. High dosage per pill usually around 500mg. Can cause loose stools. This is the cheapest form of magnesium.

Magnesium citrate - The preferred form of magnesium if you need a little help in the motility department. At higher dosages (>600mg), it works more like a laxative too.

Magnesium glycinate - This is a great type to take for anxiety, help with relaxation, deeper sleep and also to replete deficiencies. It generally doesn’t cause loose stools.

Magnesium threonate - This is a type of magnesium that cross the “blood-brain” barrier. This can also be a good type for repleting deficiencies and promoting a sense of calm. This is one of the most expensive forms of magnesium. The dosage per pill is usually small, around 50mg.

Magnesium is a mineral that people can easily become deficient in. Ask your doctor or dietitian to measure you blood levels and aim for the mid-point of the range. Foods like nuts and seeds are among the richest magnesium sources. You need extra magnesium during types of stress.